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2024 Back-to-the-Pack Pool Party!!

Scouts and their families had a great time at our annual Back-to-the-Pack Pool Party. The sun was shining and the grill was ready for Scouts to reconnect with their friends after the summer break. We are looking forward to a great year of Scouting!

2022 Fall Campout

Thanks to everyone who made our Fall Family Camping trip a huge success… we camped over 100 cubs and family members and had an incredible time!!

2021-2022 Graduation

Congratulations to all our Pack 3000 scouts for a fantastic year of adventures. Our scouts will move up to the next level and are on their way to cub scout’s highest honor, Arrow of Light.

Also, Thank You to the parents, family members, and pack leaders who made this year a success.

Graduating Lions
Graduating Tigers
Graduating Wolves
Graduating Bears
Graduating Webelos

2022 Spring Camp Out

It was a Great Weekend for Scouting at Scoutland on Lake Lanier.  Everyone had an amazing time!

The weather was perfect, the property was amazing, and we had a full house.  We camped 20 folks Friday and over 40 in attendance Saturday!  Friday we had movie night.  Saturday we fished, played, and did den activities all day and there was plenty of time to do whatever we wanted.  Saturday evening we had a campfire with Troop 431 from Roswell where we performed our skits for them, they did some skits for us, we led them in some songs and stories, and they taught us a Greenbar song or two.  Then we made S’mores and invited everyone to go out in the field and look through the big telescope at the Whirlpool double galaxy, and the Bode’s Nebula Galaxies.  It was really cool!

The food was fantastic all weekend… thanks to all the adults who helped with preparation and cleanup.  And extra thanks to Mr. Andrius who prepped the menu and did grocery shopping, and Mr. Frank who picked up Saturday lunch from Publix.

Friday Night Movie Night
Den Activities
Hiking & Fishing at Lake Lanier

2022 Arrow of Light and Crossover ceremony

March 20, 2022: Congratulations to the nine scouts of Pack 3000 Den 4 as they completed the cub scout program and crossed over into boy scouts to start the next chapter in their scouting journey. Our graduating scouts are Zachary Hamil, Christian Parillo, Anderson Kimball, Thomas Carns, Clayton Velloff, Carter Maciel, Patrick Velloff, Sean Durkin, and Austin Bowie (not pictured).

2022 Blue & Gold / Rocket day

Pack 3000 enjoyed its annual combined Blue & Gold day (celebrating the founding of scouting) and Rocket day (building and launching model rockets) on Sunday March 6th on the back property of Birmingham United Methodist Church. It was a beautiful day for launching and chasing rockets!

February 2022 Pack meeting

Pack 3000 held it’s February pack meeting on February 28 in the courtyard at the Birmingham Falls United Methodist Church. We talked about upcoming events, including rocket day, the Toccoa swinging bridge hike, and the spring campout. We also honored our AOL scouts who were attending their very last pack meeting before crossing over to Boy Scouts. Last but not least, our scouts took advantage of the nice weather with games featuring stomp rockets and marshmallow launchers!

Den 4 go-see-it at Milton City Hall

Den 4 had a very special opportunity on February 2 to visit Milton City Hall and learn how our municipal government works, including participating in their very own mock council meeting where they heard comments from citizens and voted on resolutions. Thank you for Drew Kimball for connecting us with city leaders, and thank you to the city leaders who took time out of their busy schedule to prepare a program and speak with us, especially Clerk Lowitt, Councilman Moore, and Mayor Jamison.

Our scouts completed their Buliding a Better World requirement on this visit by finishing the following components:

  • 2. Learn about your rights and duties as a citizen.
  • 3. Discuss the rule of law and how it applies to you.
  • 4. Meet with a government or community leader.

Den 4 at the the 2022 Pinewood Derby

Congratulations to Anderson Kimball, Zachary Hamil, and Sean Durkin for winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the AOL rank for the 2022 Pinewood Derby! Anderson went on to represent our den in the overall championship, ultimately claiming 2nd place overall in a hard fought battle. Congratulations to Sean for also winning the best paint job award!

2022 Pinewood Derby

The 2022 Pack 3000 Pinewood Derby Champions
Racing action
Check in night

Congratulations to William Brown for winning the overall 2022 Pack 3000 pinewood derby championship! The runners up were Anderson Kimball (2nd place) and Watts Davis (3rd place). The competition was fierce this year with a huge variety of very fast and very creative cars. Special thanks to Bobby Parillo and Jeff Barnes for organizing a fantastic event.

The Pack 3000 Pinewood Derby was held on Saturday January 22 at Birmingham United Methodist Church fellowship hall, with check-in the night before.

Den 4 visit to Troop 3000

The scouts of Den 4 visited a Boy Scout troop meeting with Troop 3000 on Monday, January 10. We got to witness the patrol method in action with scouts organizing themselves for upcoming events. Troop 3000 is going on a skiing trip soon, so our scouts joined in with the activity portion of their meeting to learn all about ski equipment and ski safety. The troop also set up a fire pit and s’mores, which were much appreciated on a cold night.

This troop meeting visit completed component #2 (“visit a troop meeting”) of the Scouting Adventure requirement for those who attended. If you missed the event, please reach out to Jason or Phil about visiting a local troop. All of the area troops are happy to have visitors any time (it does not have to be a special open house night), but it is best to reach out to them first to let them know you are coming.

Den 4 service project January 2022

Pack 3000 Den 4 gathered on Sunday, January 9 to volunteer with the Meals By Grace program at Midway United Methodist Church. Our scouts worked diligently to help carry, sort, and pack food for families in need in our community. Thank to Jim Durkin for arranging the activity for us!

This activity counts towards requirement #2 (“do an act of service for someone in your family, neighborhood, or comunity”) of the Duty to God in Action required adventure for scouts that had not yet met that requirement.

2022 Pack 3000 Pinewood Derby Speed Shop

The Pack 3000 Speed Shop returned for 2022 with a busy event on January 8 at the Carns family workshop. Thank you to Mr. Ed Good for letting us use his woodworking tools, and thank you to Frank Cristiano and Jason Hamil for helping to supervise. The scouts have worked hard on a lot of creative designs this year; we can’t wait to see them race!

December 2021 Pack meeting and popcorn fundraiser party

A big turnout!
Our committee chair Jim Durkin takes the ceremonial first pie from our top fundraiser, Carter Maciel
Rubbing it in
One of the last, but surely not the least enthusiastic

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the final pack meeting of 2021! It was an action-packed meeting. We announced the pinewood derby dates (see pack 3000 home page for details) and distributed pinewood derby car kits (please see your den leader if you didn’t get one yet). We owe an extra special thank you to Heather and Brendan Maciel for organizing our 2021 popcorn fundraiser party. We enjoyed pizza and ice cream, and we ended the night with everyone’s favorite award for hitting their sales goals: throwing a pie in the face of the scout leader of their choice 🙂 Thank you to all of the cub scout leaders for being such good sports!

Den 4 meeting December 5

Den 4 gathered at the BUMC scout compound for our last den meeting of the year on December 5th, 2021. Activities included the following:

  • “Scouting Adventure” 5a: learned how to tie a square knot, two half hitches, and a taut-line hitch.
  • “Scouting Adventure” 6: demonstrate knowledge of pocketknife safety and the pocketknife pledge (we put the safety guidelines into practice with hammers rather than knives afterwards, see below)
  • Each scout designed and made their own wood slice string art ornament for Christmas.

November 2021 Pack Meeting

Welcoming new members of Pack 3000

Thank you for joining us for the November 15th pack meeting at Birmingham United Methodist Church. We were thrilled to welcome a lot of new families to the pack following the Birmingham Falls recruiting event! We hope that everyone had a great time.

New parents please don’t hesitate to reach out to your den leader and/or cubmaster if you have any questions.

Many thanks to existing parents who have volunteered to help with committee roles next year!

Den 4 meeting November 14

Den 4 gathered at the BUMC scout compound on November 14 to work on Scouting Adventure requirements (page 156 in the handbook). Scouting Adventures has a lot of components in it! Some of them won’t be completed until January and March with with the Troop 3000 open house and campout, but we were able to complete the following components in our own den meeting:

  • 1a, 1b, and 1c: this was a review of scout traditions that we’ve followed throughout our time in Cub Scouts (including signs, handshake, oath, etc.). We also discussed scout spirit and how we can show it by our actions and attitude in the community.
  • 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d: this component was all about the patrol method. We learned about how Scouts BSA troops operate and how they organize into patrols (similar to a den in Cub Scouts, but youth-led). We also held our very own mock election and created a patrol for today’s meeting. 3d includes a plan to participate in a campout, which we will do with Troop 3000 in March.
  • 5.b: Mr. Jason taught us how to repair frayed ropes (both nylon and natural fibers) by “fusing” and “whipping”. The scouts did a great job with this activity!

Please follow along at home if you missed this meeting, and as always let Jason or Phil know if you have questions.

2021 fall field trip: Space Camp

The future astronauts of Pack 3000 had a blast on an overnight Space Camp field trip (November 6-7) at the US Space and Rocket Center in Alabama! Scouts and their families learned all about space while testing their skills at a variety of astronaut training activities.

October 2021 Pack Meeting

Thank you for joining us for the October 25th pack meeting in the BUMC courtyard! We welcomed new families to the pack, honored scouts with advancements, and played a bunch of fun games and relay races.

Den 4 meeting October 17

Den 4 enjoyed the fall weather as we met at the BUMC scout compound to work on the Protect Yourself Rules (AOL) and Building a Better World requirements.

We completed the Protect Yourself Rules adventure ( The AOL version of the adventure has the same video component as last year’s Webelo adventure. We chose to focus on online safety this year, and watched these two videos instead before working through the adventure requirements:

For Building a Better world, we did the following:

  • 5) Planning an activity for your den
    • We brainstormed some ideas for a weekend activity. This will be a food charity drive followed by one of the fun activities that the scouts voted on. We’ll follow up with more details soon.
  • 6a) Learning about scouting in another country
    • For this one we learned about scouting in Japan, especially looking for similarities and differences in their program and traditions. The scouts also learned how to use chopsticks and practiced using them.

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