Den 4 meeting November 14

Den 4 gathered at the BUMC scout compound on November 14 to work on Scouting Adventure requirements (page 156 in the handbook). Scouting Adventures has a lot of components in it! Some of them won’t be completed until January and March with with the Troop 3000 open house and campout, but we were able to complete the following components in our own den meeting:
- 1a, 1b, and 1c: this was a review of scout traditions that we’ve followed throughout our time in Cub Scouts (including signs, handshake, oath, etc.). We also discussed scout spirit and how we can show it by our actions and attitude in the community.
- 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d: this component was all about the patrol method. We learned about how Scouts BSA troops operate and how they organize into patrols (similar to a den in Cub Scouts, but youth-led). We also held our very own mock election and created a patrol for today’s meeting. 3d includes a plan to participate in a campout, which we will do with Troop 3000 in March.
- 5.b: Mr. Jason taught us how to repair frayed ropes (both nylon and natural fibers) by “fusing” and “whipping”. The scouts did a great job with this activity!
Please follow along at home if you missed this meeting, and as always let Jason or Phil know if you have questions.