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Category: Archive Events

2022 Arrow of Light and Crossover ceremony

March 20, 2022: Congratulations to the nine scouts of Pack 3000 Den 4 as they completed the cub scout program and crossed over into boy scouts to start the next chapter in their scouting journey. Our graduating scouts are Zachary Hamil, Christian Parillo, Anderson Kimball, Thomas Carns, Clayton Velloff, Carter Maciel, Patrick Velloff, Sean Durkin, and Austin Bowie (not pictured).

Den 4 go-see-it at Milton City Hall

Den 4 had a very special opportunity on February 2 to visit Milton City Hall and learn how our municipal government works, including participating in their very own mock council meeting where they heard comments from citizens and voted on resolutions. Thank you for Drew Kimball for connecting us with city leaders, and thank you to the city leaders who took time out of their busy schedule to prepare a program and speak with us, especially Clerk Lowitt, Councilman Moore, and Mayor Jamison.

Our scouts completed their Buliding a Better World requirement on this visit by finishing the following components:

  • 2. Learn about your rights and duties as a citizen.
  • 3. Discuss the rule of law and how it applies to you.
  • 4. Meet with a government or community leader.

Den 4 at the the 2022 Pinewood Derby

Congratulations to Anderson Kimball, Zachary Hamil, and Sean Durkin for winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the AOL rank for the 2022 Pinewood Derby! Anderson went on to represent our den in the overall championship, ultimately claiming 2nd place overall in a hard fought battle. Congratulations to Sean for also winning the best paint job award!

Den 4 visit to Troop 3000

The scouts of Den 4 visited a Boy Scout troop meeting with Troop 3000 on Monday, January 10. We got to witness the patrol method in action with scouts organizing themselves for upcoming events. Troop 3000 is going on a skiing trip soon, so our scouts joined in with the activity portion of their meeting to learn all about ski equipment and ski safety. The troop also set up a fire pit and s’mores, which were much appreciated on a cold night.

This troop meeting visit completed component #2 (“visit a troop meeting”) of the Scouting Adventure requirement for those who attended. If you missed the event, please reach out to Jason or Phil about visiting a local troop. All of the area troops are happy to have visitors any time (it does not have to be a special open house night), but it is best to reach out to them first to let them know you are coming.

Den 4 service project January 2022

Pack 3000 Den 4 gathered on Sunday, January 9 to volunteer with the Meals By Grace program at Midway United Methodist Church. Our scouts worked diligently to help carry, sort, and pack food for families in need in our community. Thank to Jim Durkin for arranging the activity for us!

This activity counts towards requirement #2 (“do an act of service for someone in your family, neighborhood, or comunity”) of the Duty to God in Action required adventure for scouts that had not yet met that requirement.

Den 4 meeting December 5

Den 4 gathered at the BUMC scout compound for our last den meeting of the year on December 5th, 2021. Activities included the following:

  • “Scouting Adventure” 5a: learned how to tie a square knot, two half hitches, and a taut-line hitch.
  • “Scouting Adventure” 6: demonstrate knowledge of pocketknife safety and the pocketknife pledge (we put the safety guidelines into practice with hammers rather than knives afterwards, see below)
  • Each scout designed and made their own wood slice string art ornament for Christmas.

Den 4 meeting November 14

Den 4 gathered at the BUMC scout compound on November 14 to work on Scouting Adventure requirements (page 156 in the handbook). Scouting Adventures has a lot of components in it! Some of them won’t be completed until January and March with with the Troop 3000 open house and campout, but we were able to complete the following components in our own den meeting:

  • 1a, 1b, and 1c: this was a review of scout traditions that we’ve followed throughout our time in Cub Scouts (including signs, handshake, oath, etc.). We also discussed scout spirit and how we can show it by our actions and attitude in the community.
  • 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d: this component was all about the patrol method. We learned about how Scouts BSA troops operate and how they organize into patrols (similar to a den in Cub Scouts, but youth-led). We also held our very own mock election and created a patrol for today’s meeting. 3d includes a plan to participate in a campout, which we will do with Troop 3000 in March.
  • 5.b: Mr. Jason taught us how to repair frayed ropes (both nylon and natural fibers) by “fusing” and “whipping”. The scouts did a great job with this activity!

Please follow along at home if you missed this meeting, and as always let Jason or Phil know if you have questions.

Den 4 meeting October 17

Den 4 enjoyed the fall weather as we met at the BUMC scout compound to work on the Protect Yourself Rules (AOL) and Building a Better World requirements.

We completed the Protect Yourself Rules adventure ( The AOL version of the adventure has the same video component as last year’s Webelo adventure. We chose to focus on online safety this year, and watched these two videos instead before working through the adventure requirements:

For Building a Better world, we did the following:

  • 5) Planning an activity for your den
    • We brainstormed some ideas for a weekend activity. This will be a food charity drive followed by one of the fun activities that the scouts voted on. We’ll follow up with more details soon.
  • 6a) Learning about scouting in another country
    • For this one we learned about scouting in Japan, especially looking for similarities and differences in their program and traditions. The scouts also learned how to use chopsticks and practiced using them.

2021 Fall den campout

Time to get started with the Scout Oath
Morning campfire
Fun in the field
Cobbler chefs
Testing our bowline knots

Den 4 had a great Friday night AOL campout on September 24, one night ahead of Pack 3000’s fall campout. We had a great time pitching our own tents, cooking meals on the fire, learning about outdoor survival, doing scavenger hunts and much more.

The scouts who attended the campout and wrapped up the “Castaway” elective and “Outdoor Adventure” requirement that were started at the last den meeting. Specifically, we did the following:

  • Castaway 1.a: cook two different recipes that do not require pots and pans (we did chicken and rice foil packets and waffle cone s’mores)
  • Castaway 2.c: discuss what to do if you become lost in the woods (S.T.O.P.)
  • Castaway 2.d: discuss the qualities of a leader, and act out good and bad examples.
  • Outdoor adventure 1: plan and participate in a campout
  • Outdoor adventure 2: determine where to set up your tent and set it up on your own
  • Outdoor adventure 3a,b,c: discuss what to do in the event of extreme weather while camping
  • Outdoor adventure 4: show how to tie a bowline
  • Outdoor adventure 5: recite the outdoor code and leave no trace principles

Den 4 meeting September 12

Den 4 had a meeting on September 12 at the BUMC scout compound to work on components of the Castaway adventure and the Outdoor adventure. They completed the following. If you missed the meeting, please see your scout handbook for more details on these activities:

  • Castaway 1b: demonstrate how to light a fire without matches
  • Castaway 2a: learn how to prepare a survival kit
  • Castaway 2b: demonstrate two ways to treat drinking water

We also started planning for our upcoming campouts. The scouts brainstormed about some of their favorite camping activities and voted on which ones to do at the den campout on Friday Sept. 24. They also voted on their favorite cobbler recipes for the pack campout on Saturday Sept 25.

Den 4 meeting, August 23

Welcome back to scouting, Den 4! We held our first den meeting of the scouting year outdoors at the BUMC scout compound on August 23, 2021. We learned about what to expect from our final year of Cub Scouts (including lots of camping opportunities; see the upcoming events list!), learned about the history of the American flag, and took turns practicing how to serve as color guard for scouting events. We had some fun games planned too, but the weather did not cooperate 🙂

Den 4: May 2nd den meeting (Engineer)

Den 4 completed the “Engineer” elective (page 330) at the May 2nd den meeting at the BUMC scout compound. We learned all about different types of engineering, and tried our own hand at drawing and following design plans. The highlight of the event was for each scout to build a rubber band powered catapult of their own design and test it out!

Den 4 Build It “go see it”

On Thursday, April 29th, Den 4 had the very special privilege of getting to visit a new home construction site and learn about construction from the builders themselves. We were graciously hosted by Marty Anker of Anker Custom Homes, and two of his site supervisors, Paul and Cameron. The scouts (and the parents) were amazed at the house, which had a lot of really unique and unusual features (which was the best? elevator? theater? 3 kitchens? storm shelter? replica castle door?). It was great to get a “behind the scenes” look at something like this.

This visit completed component #4 of the “Build It” elective, page 269 (“Learn about a construction career. With your den leader, visit a construction site and interview someone working in a construction career.”)

Den 4 at the 2021 Spring Campout

Den 4 had a great time at the campout April 17-18. Our den timed themselves through an obstacle course, went fishing, performed 2 campfire skits, and of course had a great time and great fellowship with the pack.

Den 4 at the 2021 Pinewood Derby

The Den 4 champions: Carter Maciel, Zachary Hamil, and Thomas Carns! Zachary is also wearing a medal for Best Paint Job.
Den 4 receiving their awards and patches

Thank you Den 4 for a strong showing in the 2021 Pinewood Derby! We had 8 very creative and fast entries. Carter Maciel went on to represent our den in the pack championship and bring home 3rd place overall in a hotly contested final round.

March 21 Den meeting (Fix It)

Den 4 gathered to work on the “Fix it” elective adventure on Sunday, March 21. Our scouts learned about (and worked on) everything from light bulbs and breaker switches to inflating tires and oiling door hinges. Mr. Phil has especially enjoyed the bike tune-up this week 🙂 The scouts completed the following requirements:

  1. Put a Fix It Toolbox together. Describe what each item in your toolbox can be used for. Show how to use three of the tools safely.
  2. Be ready. With the help of an adult in your family, do the following:
    1. Locate the electrical panel in your home. Determine if the electrical panel has fuses or breakers.
    2. Determine what heat source is used to heat your home.
    3. Learn what you would do to shut off the water for a sink, a toilet, a washing machine, or a water heater. If there is a main shut-off valve for your home, show where it is located.
  3. Describe to your Webelos den leader how to fix or make safe the following circumstances with help from an adult:
    1. A toilet is overflowing.
    2. The kitchen sink is clogged.
    3. A circuit breaker tripped, causing some of the lights to go out.Let’s Fix It.
  4. Select and do eight of the following. You will need an adult’s supervision for each of these Fix It projects: (see Webelo handbook for list; there are a lot of options here.)

If you missed this adventure, then be creative and follow along at home and let Jason and Phil know about your progress! See page 354 of the Webelo handbook.

March 7 den meeting (Into the Woods)

Den 4 gathered at Birmingham Park to enjoy the awesome spring weather this past weekend! Our scouts completed the following requirements for the Into the Woods adventure:

  1. Identify two different groups of trees and the parts of a tree.
  2. Identify four trees common to the area where you live. Tell whether they are native to your area. Tell how both wildlife and humans use them.
  3. Identify four plants common to the area where you live. Tell which animals use them and for what purpose.
  4. Develop a plan to care for and then plant at least one plant or tree, either indoors in a pot or outdoors. Tell how this plant or tree helps the environment in which it is planted and what the plant or tree will be used for.
  5. Explain how the growth rings of a tree trunk tell its life story. Describe different types of tree bark and explain what the bark does for the tree.

Each scout planted a flower in a seed cup to take home for #4. Remember to take good care of it, and let us know when your plants sprout!

If you missed this adventure, then be creative and follow along at home with your own adventure (you must complete all of components 1–4 and at least one of components 5-7) and let Jason and Phil know about your progress! See page 418 of the Webelo handbook.

Jan 24 den meeting (Protect Yourself Rules)

Den 4 met virtually on Sunday January 24 to do the “Protect Yourself Rules” preview adventure ( The purpose of this adventure was to teach our scouts tips to help them stay safe from abuse and stay safe online. We did the following components:

  1. Watch the “Protect Yourself” video lessons for this adventure.
  2. Know the six Protect Yourself Rules.
  3. Describe what cyberbullying is and identify things you should never tell about yourself to others when online.
  4. Describe three ways to get out of a situation with someone who is making you feel unsafe.
  5. List five safe adults you could tell if someone has made you feel unsafe.

This one is pretty easy to do at home. You can also (as an alternative) meet this Webelo requirement by completing the cyberchip award.

January 10 Den meeting (Cast Iron Chef)

Den 4 gathered for a delicious meeting at the BUMC scout compound this past weekend! Our scouts completed the following three requirements for the Cast Iron Chef adventure:

  1. Plan a menu for a balanced meal for your den or family.
  2. Prepare a balanced meal for your den or family.
  3. Use tinder, kindling, and fuel wood to demonstrate how to build a fire in an appropriate outdoor location.

Each scout planned and brought their own foil packet to cook (we had a big variety: hamburgers, chicken, potatoes, popcorn, apples, and cookies!) over an open camp fire.

The scouts also brought examples of tinder and kindling from home that they used to learn how to build a small fire of their own.

If you missed this adventure, then be creative and follow along at home with your own meal planning and let Jason and Phil know about your progress! See page 32 of the Webelo handbook.

December 6 den meeting

Our December 6 den meeting was held as a break out during the December pack meeting (see Our scouts learned a little bit about paracord and made their own paracord candy cane for the holidays. They also took home kits to make snowman and reindeer out of pipe cleaners.

HOMEWORK: Please work at home with your scout to complete the “Duty to God and You” adventure, page 42 of the Webelo Handbook. Let Jason and Phil know when you have completed it; we will not be working on this adventure during den meetings. The holiday break is a great time to get this done. We encourage you to look at it soon, because one component asks you to practice a new habit for a month.

Our normal den meeting schedule calls for a meeting on December 20th, but we are going to skip this one for the holidays and pick back up in January.

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