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September 27 Den Meeting (First Responder)

Den 4 started on the “First Responder” adventure in their September 27 meeting. We completed the following requirements:

  • #1 Explain what first aid is and tell what you should do after an accident: some specific things that we learned about were the “4 Cs” (Check, Calm, Call, and Care) and how to make 911 calls. We acted out some 911 calls to see what kinds of questions the 911 dispatcher might ask and think about how to answer them.
  • #6 Put together a simple home first-aid kit: each scout prepared their own kit at home (see homework assignment). We took turns explaining what was in our kits and why.
  • #7 Create a home emergency plan: each scout prepared their own plan at home (see homework assignment). We took turns explaining what was interesting or challenging about each plan.

We also assigned homework for the next meeting. Each scout chose a first aid scenario to research until the next meeting so they can tell the den how to treat it:

James: nose bleed

Austin: burn

Sean: heat exhaustion

Thomas: sprain

Clayton: allergic reaction

Patrick: frostbite

Carter: bee sting

Zachary: splinter

Ethan: blister

Anderson: tick bite

Wynn: cuts and scrapes

We look forward to learning about these things and continuing our First Responder adventure in 2 weeks!

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