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October 25 den meeting & hike (Webelo Walkabout)

Den 4 met at the Charleston Park Trail on Lake Lanier Sunday to complete the “Webelo Walkabout” adventure and a 3 mile hike. Thank you to Christina Carns (Thomas’s mom!) for finding an excellent hike location. The scouts did a great job with it, and we actually completed 3.25 miles.

We completed the following adventure components before and during the hike (you can follow the links for documents for some of the activities).

  1. Plan a hike or outdoor activity
    • We studied the trail map, came up with a hiking plan, and made sure everyone was prepared for the day.
  2. Assemble a first aid kit suitable for your hike or activity.
    • The scouts brought appropriate supplies from the kits they assembled in the “First Responder” adventure.
  3. Recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids from memory. Talk about how you can demonstrate them on your Webelos adventures.
    • We reviewed these (last page of the Webelo handbook) and talked about what we were going to do on the hike to observe those principles. We brought trash bags and picked up litter on the way to help “trash our trash”.
  4. With your Webelos den or with a family member, hike 3 miles. Before your hike, plan and prepare a nutritious lunch or snack. Enjoy it on your hike, and clean up afterward.
    • We hiked 3.25 miles (access trail, orange trail, and a portion of the purple trail) and stopped at the picnic area by the lake for a snack.
  5. Describe and identify from photos any poisonous plants and dangerous animals and insects you might encounter on your hike or activity.

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