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Jan 24 den meeting (Protect Yourself Rules)

Den 4 met virtually on Sunday January 24 to do the “Protect Yourself Rules” preview adventure ( The purpose of this adventure was to teach our scouts tips to help them stay safe from abuse and stay safe online. We did the following components:

  1. Watch the “Protect Yourself” video lessons for this adventure.
  2. Know the six Protect Yourself Rules.
  3. Describe what cyberbullying is and identify things you should never tell about yourself to others when online.
  4. Describe three ways to get out of a situation with someone who is making you feel unsafe.
  5. List five safe adults you could tell if someone has made you feel unsafe.

This one is pretty easy to do at home. You can also (as an alternative) meet this Webelo requirement by completing the cyberchip award.

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