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Den 4 kickoff meeting, Sept 13

Den 4 takes to the Internet for it’s first meeting of the 2020-2021 program year! Thank you everyone for joining and for welcoming the newest member of our den (James!).

We did not work on an adventure requirement in our kickoff meeting, but we successfully translated our den meeting traditions to an online format, made sure everyone was able to talk and participate, and discussed what elective adventures we would like to do this year.

For our next meeting (September 27) we’ll be starting the “First Responder” adventure. Please be ready with the following:

HOMEWORK due at the upcoming (September 27) meeting for scouts (be prepared to show and/or talk about these things in the meeting):
1) put together a home first aid kit (requirement 6, page 74)
2) create an emergency readiness plan (requirement 7, page 76)

HOMEWORK for parents:
1) Do you know a first responder who would be willing to visit one of our virtual meetings and tell the scouts about what they do? Let Jason and Phil know! It would be really interesting for the scouts and would them fulfill a requirement.

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