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December 6 den meeting

Our December 6 den meeting was held as a break out during the December pack meeting (see Our scouts learned a little bit about paracord and made their own paracord candy cane for the holidays. They also took home kits to make snowman and reindeer out of pipe cleaners.

HOMEWORK: Please work at home with your scout to complete the “Duty to God and You” adventure, page 42 of the Webelo Handbook. Let Jason and Phil know when you have completed it; we will not be working on this adventure during den meetings. The holiday break is a great time to get this done. We encourage you to look at it soon, because one component asks you to practice a new habit for a month.

Our normal den meeting schedule calls for a meeting on December 20th, but we are going to skip this one for the holidays and pick back up in January.

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